How long…(from Habakkuk)

How long must I cry for help
But Lord, you don’t seem to hear
Danger! Violence! I cry out to you
And still we are not safe

Ruin and warfare are before me
Strife and conflict abound
The wicked rule over the righteous
And justice is twisted around


I hear, and my body trembles.
My lips quiver at the sound.
My bones are all rotten & my legs shake
I’ll be quiet as for you I will wait.


I know the stories, how You fought for us,
All we had to do is stand by
Come and save us with your righteous love,
Don’t leave us; come down from on high.

Though the fig tree does not blossom, there are no grapes on the vines
The olive crop fails and the fields are brown
The pastures have no cattle and the pens hold no sheep
Still I will rejoice in the Lord.

I will find joy in God my Savior
The sovereign Lord is the strength of my life.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer
He makes me able to climb up to the heights

Copyright 2018 Debbie Durant

Song info:

Lead vocal and upright bass – Debbie Durant
Guitar – Roger Cline
Mandolin – Scott Freeman
Banjo – Brett Morris
Produced by Johnny Williams
Mixed and mastered by Wes Easter
Recorded at Eastwood Studios, Cana, VA