All Right Someday
It’s not all right, but it’s okay
It will be all right someday
Our God will put all things right on that day
He knows my heart, and my deeds,
He knows my faults, and my needs
I’m His sheep, in his pas-tures I will feed
It’s not Pollyanna, it’s not pie in the sky
I’m watching it unfold with a clear eye
God’s work might not be finished before I die
That doesn’t mean that He is not close by
It’s not all right, but it’s okay
It will be all right someday
Our God will put all things right on that day
I can’t say how, I can’t say when
But God will come through in the end
He loves me and he calls me his friend
“How can you be patient?” That’s what strangers say
“You still can do good things without following God’s way.”
I’m working on a building to survive Judgment Day
With precious stones, not with wood or hay
It’s not all right, but it’s okay
It will be all right someday
Our God will put all things right on that day
He knows my heart, and my deeds,
He knows my faults, and my needs
I’m His sheep, in his pastures I will feed
Copyright 2023 Debbie Durant
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