Shall I lift up my eyes unto the hills
From whence comes my help?
Oh, my help, it comes from the Lord my God Who made heaven and earth.
Shall I lift up my eyes unto the hills
From whence comes my help?
Oh, my help, it comes from the Lord my God Who made heaven and earth.
He will watch over me without sleeping
He will not let my foot be moved.
He’ll preserve my soul from this day forth Even forevermore.
Shall I lift up my eyes unto the hills
From whence comes my help?
Oh, my help, it comes from the Lord my God Who made heaven and earth.
Song info:
Music and lyrics by Roger Wayne Cline (Walnut Run Music)
Vocal – Debbie Durant
Guitar – Roger Cline
Produced by Johnny Williams
Mixed and mastered by Wes Easter
Recorded at Eastwood Studios, Cana, VA